daario naharis buch

Daario was trained as a pit fighter and performed so well that he was released from slavery when his master died. Daario dyes his hair and trident beard, sometimes in blue and other times in deep purple.

Seinen ersten Auftritt hat Daario, der zunächst von Ed Skrein verkörpert wird, in der Episode "Die Zweitgeborenen" der dritten Staffel, doch wird er seit Beginn der vierten Staffel von Michiel Huisman gespielt. Daario Naharis ist der Hauptmann der Söldnertruppe der Sturmkrähen.

However, she insists that Daario and the Second Sons remain to keep the peace.

While Jorah leaves to find a cure for his greyscale, Daenerys and Daario march on Meereen with the Dothraki.

"All rulers are either butchers or meat." Smitten with Daenerys, Daario refuses to obey his superiors when they decide to assassinate her; he instead kills them and presents their severed heads to Daenerys. The television series develops the backstory that Daario's alcoholic mother sold him to the fighting pits when he was a young boy. However, Daenerys flies away on Drogon, and the Yunkai'i refuse to release Daario until Daenerys' other two dragons are executed. Daenerys changes her mind after the Meereenese insurgents, the Sons of the Harpy, kill her advisor Ser Barristan Selmy. Daario Naharis – początkowo porucznik w Drugich Synach, kompanii najemniczej, zanim przejmuje w niej władzę, zabijając swoich przełożonych, Mero i Prendahla na Ghezna.

Introduced in A Storm of Swords (2000), Daario is the leader of a mercenary group … After Daenerys flies off on her dragon Drogon during an attack by the Sons at the opening of the fighting pits, Daario and Jorah decide to leave Meereen to find her. He then assists On the march to the neighbouring slaving city of Meereen, Daario unsuccessfully attempts to romance Daenerys. Daario wurde alleiniger Kommandant der Sturmkrähen, nachdem er die beiden anderen Hauptmänner umbrachte. His fingernails are also enameled blue. The Stormcrows are hired by Yunkai to defend the city against Daenerys Targaryen's forces. Zuvor war er als Nebencharakter in der dritten und vierten Staffel zu sehen. Daario is a confident and seductive warrior, and the commander of the Stormcrows, a company of sellswords comprising 500 mounted mercenaries. Daenerys offers the Stormcrows gold if they defect to her. Daenerys initially refuses, despite Daario's pointing out that his youth as a pit fighter gave him the skills necessary to join the Second Sons and meet her.

They infiltrate the city and meet Daenerys, but she points out that they will be unable to escape the 100,000 Dothraki in the city. Amazed, the Dothraki bow down to Daenerys, and Daario follows suit.

Following their victory in Slaver's Bay, he is forced to part ways with Daenerys when she … Daario Naharis ist ein Hauptcharakter in der fünften und sechsten Staffel von Game of Thrones. I create all of the meme's on this page unless noted otherwise. Er behauptet, eine Gabe fürs Schlafen zu haben, egal, ob im Sattel oder im Bett, und er sei stets ausgeruht, wenn es zum Kampf komme.

Daario is dismayed and declares his love for Daenerys, but ultimately agrees, realizing that Tyrion advised her to end their relationship. At the gates of Meereen, Daario volunteers to fight Meereen's champion in single combat and swiftly kills him before taunting the Meereenese by urinating in front of the city. After his return, Daenerys takes Daario as a lover but marries the Meereenese nobleman Hizdahr zo Loraq. With slavery finally abolished in Slaver's Bay, Daenerys decides to return to Westeros and reclaim the Iron Throne. Under the leadership of Captain Mero and second in command Prendhal na Ghezn, the Second Sons are hired by the slaver city Yunkai to fight against Daenerys' army. Daenerys instead sets fire to the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen, killing the khals but emerges unscathed. After Daenerys conquers the city, Daario persuades her to take him as her lover. Daario and Hizdahr are successful in their negotiations with the Yunkish, although the Yunkish insist as part of the agreement upon reopening the city's fighting pits.

There, he finds the Sons of the Harpy massacring freedmen and leads the Dothraki charge to kill the Sons. Daario Naharis is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. When Yunkai begins to rebel against Daenerys' rule, Daenerys sends Daario and the Meereenese nobleman Hizdahr zo Loraq to negotiate with the city's masters. Daario Naharis is now the captain of the mercenary company,The Second Sons and Daenerys lover man ;)

Daario is lithe and smooth skinned with bright, deep blue eyes which can appear almost purple. He then aligns with Daenerys Targaryen, serving as her advisor and enforcer, eventually becoming her lover. After winning his freedom, Daario joined the Second Sons sellsword company. 7 Personen sprechen darüber. Im Buch: Daario ist Anführer der Söldergruppe Stormcrows und der Liebhaber von Daenerys Targaryen, die sich entgegen ihrer besseren Instinkte in ihn verliebt. Einmal kehrt Daario von einem Ausfall zurück, wirft Daenerys in deren Halle den Kopf eines yunkischen Fürsten vor aller Welt zu Füßen und küsst sie so lange, bis Ser Barristan sie auseinander zerren muss. While the Stormcrows deliberate this offer, Daario (having been won over by Daenerys) kills the Stormcrows' captains and pledges the company's support to Daenerys.Following Daenerys' conquest of Meereen, she sends Daario to Lhazar to reopen trade routes between the two regions. Jorah and Daario discover that Daenerys has been captured by the Dothraki, and follow her to the sacred Dothraki city of Vaes Dothrak.

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