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A vertical prison with one cell per level. Rodriguez plays a journalist named Jenny who must pack up her life, leave her friends, and travel to the West Coast for an exciting job opportunity. En esta macabra serie antológica, los pasajeros de un autobús terrorífico se dirigen a un destino desconocido y espeluznante.A Molly, una mujer de ciudad, le cuesta mucho adaptarse a su nueva vida en el campo, hasta que descubre por qué sus vecinos sienten tanto apego por sus mascotas.Tras tres años interno en un hospital psiquiátrico, Erik se dirige a la cabaña familiar con sus hermanos. Directed by J.C. Chandor. Allí, una misteriosa tragedia llama a su puerta desde el más allá.En una fiesta de oficina, dos empleados oyen extraños rumores e intentan resolver el misterio en torno a la espeluznante caída de una compañera desde la terraza.En esta macabra serie antológica, los pasajeros de un autobús terrorífico se dirigen a un destino desconocido y espeluznante.Del guionista Kjetil Indregard ("Maniac") y dirigida por Atle Knudsen ("ZombieLars"), Geir Henning Hopland, entre otros.Esta antología de animación para adultos narra el viaje de un joven en busca del amor. A professor enters a cave and goes missing. März 2020 weltweit veröffentlicht wurde. Smith and Lawrence have an easy, lived-in chemistry that really sells this thing, and the action’s not too bad either. Was this review helpful to you? Use the HTML below. Di sana, mereka harus menjalin persahabatan baru atau menghadapi masa lalu nan rumit.When a giant Grippity-Grab snags Grizelda’s friendship bracelet and turns her into a mermaid, True heads under the sea with magic wishes to save the day.Ketika makhluk luar angkasa mencoba mencuri gravitasi Bumi, hanya roh pemberi hadiah Natal -- dan alien kecil bernama X -- yang dapat menyelamatkan dunia.Keliaran saat musim panas di bawah matahari Sisilia segera berkembang menjadi kisah cinta mengharukan, yang memaksa laki-laki dan perempuan ini dewasa terlalu cepat.Ikuti Izzy (11 tahun) dan ibunya yang dokter hewan ketika mereka menyelamatkan para koala dan menjalin persahabatan dengan hewan-hewan di pulau di Australia.Dua saudari kembar, Sterling dan Blair, menyeimbangkan masa remaja di sebuah SMA elite di Selatan dengan karier baru yang tak lazim sebagai pemburu hadiah luar biasa.Ine Marie Wilmann,Bjørnar Teigen,Emma Spetalen Magnusson

Hays plays an ex fighter pilot (with a serious fear of flying), who must take over when the pilot of a commercial flight he’s on becomes ill.Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg make a surprisingly perfect comedic duo and the two draw on their Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz star in this dark, absurdist comedy about a man searching for love under some very strange circumstances.

You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. In this deliciously macabre horror anthology series, doomed passengers tell their stories aboard a spectral bus head toward an unknown destination. Pero poco después de comenzar, la profesora y un compañero suyo harán que empiece a dudar de la realidad.Un magnate de la industria farmacéutica humilla a todos los asistentes a una cena, incluida su mujer, cuando descubre que uno de ellos ha robado un valioso prototipo.La profesora Sanna empieza a trabajar en una escuela rural que ha estado cerrada durante 40 años. Ventura is hired to solve the case of the Miami Dolphin’s missing mascot after a pair of kidnappers hold the dolphin hostage. The film is a cinematic mash-up of Japanese anime and gamer culture, intended for the crowd who grew up on Nintendo and comic books, but it brings plenty of laughs all the same.Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence star in this drama that’s equal parts rom-com and a harrowing look at mental illness.

Certificate: 16 Marcus (Lawrence) and Mike (Smith) have been friends since childhood and are now working the beat together in Miami. The film follows the exploits of two friends, Sing and Bone, who impersonate gang members in the hopes of joining a gang themselves, but they inadvertently strike up a gang war that nearly destroys the slums of the city.

It’s a messy, complicated love story, which makes for a nice change of pace if sappy-sweet rom-coms just aren’t doing it for you.You’ve probably never heard of this rom-com starring Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell, which is a damn shame because the two have great chemistry on screen and the plot’s just quirky enough to feel refreshingly different from anything else on this list.

Blutiger Trip 2020 16+ 1 Staffel Serien In dieser makabren Horror-Anthologieserie steuern dem Untergang geweihte Reisende in einem gespenstischen Gefährt auf … When $100 million of heroin goes missing from their unit’s storage facility, they’re sent to track down who might have taken it before Internal Affairs intercedes.

Blutiger Trip ist auf Netflix Blutiger Trip verfügbar. The story’s what you’d expect: Roberts’ evil queen takes over the kingdom, Collins’ Snow White fights to get it back.

Tim Blake Nelson stars as the titular hero, a sharpshooting songster who takes part in the film’s opening musical portion. Javier Muñoz, once a successful executive, makes the fateful decision to leave his home, which he and his family can no longer afford. I've always found great enjoyment with the anthology drama both in print and on the screen, for the format often makes some great stories with unexpected twists. Lawrence plays Tiffany, a young woman with problems of her own. Cooper plays Pat Solitano, a former high school teacher who recently completed a stint at a mental institution.