big brother 9 gewinner

HAHAHA! He looks like a different person when he smiles genuinely, as opposed to that nasty snide smirk he usually does.Montage of Darnell's best moments in the house, and then he grabs the mic to thank the country for welcoming him so warmly. We decide!Davina talks to the house, and she's ready to collect Sara from the doors. She tries to push her to admit that she knows Darnell fancies her - "Do you think your behaviour towards him gave him a little sign?" Then Davina interrupts her. All rights reserved. Channel 5 has announced the programme will not return after the new series launches on Friday, September 15Sign up to the Hull Live newsletter for daily updates and breaking newsBut before that disappears for good, there is one more series to go which launches tonight (Friday, September 14) on Channel 5.Roxanne quit the show before apologising to Ryan and his family and But celebrities aside, Big Brother - which first aired on Channel Four - has provided viewers with some of the most memorable TV moments of the past two decades.

She waves frantically at everyone, regardless of whether or not she knows them, and squeals and shouts, "Thank you thank you thank you!" She won Big Brother 9 in 2008. It's craaaaaaaaaaazy!" White jeans and tailored jacket, he looks a bit like an extra from the Village People's video for In The Navy.

Right, we know who to blame, then.Of the three remaining housemates, Rex would like Sara to win.

Sara tells Mikey to stand up and bid her farewell from the bottom of the stairs, and takes his hand to drag him across the room, failing to notice there's a whacking great chair in the way, which he falls over. Cue montage.

Davina asks for examples; Mikey says, "Alec." As the song goes on, he realises that he does, in fact, want to join in, so gets up, looking reluctant, but then breaks into a broad beam and sings and sways along.

Photo: CBS Then the music changes to Whitney's I Will Always Love You, and Rachel and Sara wail along. Davina says so. Who'll get their grubby mitts on it? But he has since set up a cleaning business, charing £100 an hour to take care of people's dirty laundry.Since the show Pete began dating his friend Cherry - real name Gemma Costin. Once her majesty McCall deigns to talk to him, she drags him round the podium and eads some of the poster slogans.Davina asks if he's always straight-talking. Ourexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. He too has been an awesome housemate.

Belinda Harris-Reid is a housemate from Big Brother 9.

When it comes to his turn to speak, he witters on about not labelling people and the need to respect them.

There have been 19 winners of Big Brother; eleven men and eight women. Rex doesn't want to get up and dance with the others, but he still feels that he has the right to tell them not to sing, the moody child. As is triumphing over self-righteous entitled cockheads. she shouts. Sigh. I'd say that would have been a good time to apologise to those he's labelled, but hey ho.Rex has silver shoes, the like of which are usually only seen on Strictly Come Dancing, and sulking about only having one bottle of booze between the five of them. Hooray! Marvellous strike for feminism.Sara would like Mikey to win - "He's just so funneeeeeeeee! "I've got a lovely boyfriend!" Which Mikey, obviously, can't see. TV.Josie’s Twitter bio reads ‘Presenter, Reality Star, Author, Entrepreneur & Mumma-To-Be’.Aaron has made several television appearances since leaving the house on OK!

He is, of course, wearing the obligatory skanky blue sweatshirt. "Big Brother" host Julie Chen is seen alongside the Season 22 logo. "I love arguing, and I love winding people up!"