Here we can influence systems such as Basis and E-Campus, the WLANs, and the outfitting of computers in the faculties and libraries. In the following winter semester 2012/13 came the lecture series “Vom Mensch zum Ding” (From Person to Thing), where European refugee and integration politics underwent a fundamental criticism, and transcended the common criticism of deportation practices and individual case decisions of the migration regime.
In the faculties that are smaller than 500 students, the Fachschaftsrat takes over the tasks of the Fachschaftsvertretung.
Students who find themselves in a financial crisis can apply for a refund of the transportation contribution on grounds of a social hardship. It is possible that the applicable assessment limits – so the amounts that legally define such a hardship – will be adjusted by the student parliament in the near future. The AStA is not responsible for any out-of-date or inaccurate information. And if yes, where? Whether you have been long engaged in issues gender equality, or have never before considered them; if you have questions, ideas, suggestions, recommendations, if you don’t have specific beliefs but only a vague interest; be you male, female, intersexual, transsexual, or you don’t want to identify with a biological or social gender, you are all welcome.
All have to get it; there is no opt-out option. The VRS ticket is valid in the entire VRS tariff zone, even in vehicles from private companies which cooperate with the VRS. The social services department is available to authenticate your documents for In cases of financial emergency, we can offer interest-free loans for 3-month terms to Students of the University of Bonn. Through our work, we want to improve the social quality of our university and relieve students of all problems related to societal structures so that they can concentrate on their studies. Otherwise, as long as you have not completed a vocational qualification, you can earn as much as you want. Our multilingual team consists of international students who experienced similar problems at the beginning of their stay in Germany like many affected people. If the links are dead, or if you encounter fraud attempts etc., please notify the webmaster by e-mailKonstituierende Sitzung des Untersuchungsausschusses »Fachschaftengelder« The approval can take up to several weeks. The AStA hopes that with the results of the survey, they can contribute to helping people understand the extent of the housing crisis and the needs of the students and make adequate provisions possible.
This way, we ensure that each faculty receives the latest updates and can take them into consideration in their work. We’re always open to new ideas, questions and projects. As a consequence of such a possible change, it could be that over the next semester, applications due to social hardships will be allowed past the regular application deadline (November 10th). Outside of NRW, the NRW ticket is also valid in Osnabrück and in the regional trains to Osnabrück as well as on the lines: Lügde – Hameln, Vlotho – Hameln and Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck – Bunde (Westphalia). Now you will find the different types of fruit and veggie boxes (or in our case, bags) listed in the left-hand column, underneath “rund ums Abo”.
In addition to counseling, the AStA offers the following services: In line with the AStA’s principles, we favour fair-trade products and we ensure a wide selection of environmentally sound products. Basically, all regular fully-registered students receive a Studiticket. The athletics department represents your interests as a sports participant before the student body organizations at the University of Bonn as well as before the institutions that are in cooperation with the AStA. We work together with you to find solutions that can subsist beyond the University of Bonn, in the context of reflecting society as a whole.