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To send a message to customer service, please use the contact form located in the FAQ & Contact us section of the Flying Blue website.

Please find our call center telephone numbers and opening hours below. Assistance to passengers with reduced mobility - Saphir To save time, please have your Flying Blue number and personal access code ready. Open a new window At Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, the ticket office in terminal 2E is open every day from 5:40 am to 6:40 pm without appointment. Do you have questions about your Flying Blue account or services? Denmark - EN; Contact us; Create my account; My account explorer silver gold platinum platinum for life platinum ultimate platinum … View all destinations. Branded fares. Continuer vers la création de compte. Passagiere mit eingeschränkter Mobilität - Betreuungsservice Saphir Bestellung verfolgen. Les célèbres galeries de Paris abritent d’innombrables chefs-d’œuvre, y compris ceux des impressionnistes français. Vienna Austria. What is the baggage allowance and Dimensions on Air Cairo flights?

We recommend that you use our online forms to send us your requests. Come aboard and experience true Austrian charm. We will do our best to answer your questions!

Choose the most suitable package for you and … London United Kingdom. Meinen. Show the content of the page Open menu menu. Air France appears in the upper left-hand corner of the ticket under the mention "issuing carrier".

Wenn Sie auf „Akzeptieren“ klicken, stimmen Sie der Verwendung dieser Cookies zu. Dienstleistung für die Austellung des Umweltplakette . Startseite; FAQ . We recommend. Deutsch; Land … Frankfurt Germany. Air France SkyTeam Open a new window. Öffnen eines neuen Fensters Please note that our agents can only manage bookings for flights scheduled within 48 hours. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Want to learn more about the Flying Blue program? Don't hesitate to consult our FAQs or to contact our sales departments.

You can use exclusive telephone numbers to contact us. We remind you that only original documents are accepted (photocopies or faxes are not accepted), and we suggest that …

If another airline is mentioned, please submit your refund request to that carrier. Do a search. If another airline is mentioned, please submit your refund request to that carrier. Simulation; Beantragen einer . Air France sammelt Cookies, um das ordnungsgemäße Funktionieren und die Sicherheit unserer Websites zu gewährleisten und Ihnen die bestmögliche Benutzererfahrung zu bieten. You can create your own flight with our new Light, Standard, Comfort and All Inclusive fare. For more information, please read the Air France Connections at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and at Paris-OrlyIntercontinental / Caribbean / Indian Ocean flightsFlights in France and departing from French regionsIntercontinental / Caribbean / Indian Ocean flightsFlights in France and departing from French regionsBlueBiz, the program for small and medium-sized businesses Česká republika - CS; Kontakt; Vytvořit účet; Váš účet explorer silver gold platinum platinum for life platinum ultimate platinum for life ultimate club 2000 club 2000 skipper club 2000 ultimate … The Jardin du Luxembourg and Porte Maillot ticket offices remain closed. 23 k (one baggage)+7 k ( Handbag) for Europe flights.

Kontakt; Air France in den sozialen Netzwerken; Gepäckservice und verlorene Gegenstände; Reklamationen; Anregungen; Passagiere mit eingeschränkter Mobilität - Betreuungsservice Saphir; Die 8 Säulen unseres Engagements; Modalitäten und Gebühren für Online-Buchungen; Air France App; Air France Play; Air France auf der Apple Watch; The Kids app; Affiliate-Programm; …

Discover the Air France universe: purchase a ticket, visit our corporate website, and gain access to all AIR FRANCE KLM Group sites. Log in to your Flying Blue account.