With Dorian off to the hospital, he and Hope lay in bed together. However, Landon suggests that they let the oni possess him and then kill him with Hope arrives shortly after, reiterating that Landon's plan is stupid as the sword may be powerful enough to kill a Later in his room, he plays his guitar before Josie walks in. He drags Landon out into the woods and plans to kill Landon with the golden arrow. When Alaric and Hope make their back towards the car, they see that Rafael and Landon had taken off again, but Landon left a letter for Hope apologizing for what had happened between them. Before Hope can reply, he tells her he can't be there and walks off. With everyone questioning Alaric who states this was something he hasn't seen, before Landon's body spontaneously combust into flames. Landon then emerges from the shell, alive and dazed while his friends are speechless. He has learned to subsist, on his own, by any means. Just somewhere I actually belonged. He asks Landon to come with him and he does. He has since realized his mistake and has been working to free his father using the three keys, after infiltrating Triad Industries. With the best intentions, Landon relies on deception as a defense mechanism to protect himself and those he cares about most. Another man approaches them offering them triple if Rafael could repeat the process in 10 seconds. She spits out the booze and mentions the hypocrisy of the school, and how honest Hope is. He comes out of the school and shows the group the skin he had on his fist. Landon is later saying helping Rafael adjust to being human again. Is Landon Kirby really dead on 'Legacies'? He notices that Connor is following him and turns around to confront him, punching him in the process. Rafael mentioned how he was orphaned when he was 10 and how he spent the next 7 years jumping from foster care to foster care before gaining Landon as a bother. He later shows up dressed for the pageant and before their names are announced, he reveals to Hope what Penelope told him about his mother, asking her if it's true. They win the money of the onlookers when Rafael finishes climbing up a building in 20 seconds.
Landon decides to con several people out of money by betting that Rafael could climb and jump down a building in 20 seconds or less. There is some tension, and Josie tells Landon that they do not have to dance if he doesn't want to. When they come to, the man Landon saw earlier with a fedora has an arrow to the heart and Jeremy Gilbert appears. On one of the last bills it reads "run or die wolf" and tells Rafael that they should move. When they arrive on the football pitch, Landon and Hope bump into one another, an interaction that Josie watches from afar.
He calls Hope on knowing of his mother and storms off. When Alaric and Hope make their back towards the car, they see that Rafael and Landon had taken off again, but Landon left a letter for Hope apologizing for what had happened between them. Hope steps in to save him, and Landon asks why she never told him about her, however she shuts him down, asking to talk about it later. That night, Landon sits with Josie by the lake to talk after everyone has their memories back. They agree that they should talk, however Landon tells her that there is one conversation he needs to have before they talk. Josie asks Landon if they know each other, and he replies that they The two venture into the woods, where they are confronted by the shunka. Before he can explain to Rafael why, they are both shot in the necks by a dart gun and knocked out with tranquilizers. He looks at his fist to see that part of his skin on it and that the monster, the arachne, is underneath instead. Landon Kirby es un personaje principal de Legacies. No se sabe dónde nació. Having completed the con, they eat burgers as Landon counts the money they won. Landon decides to con several people out of money by betting that Rafael could climb and jump down a building in 20 seconds or less. Es el hermano adoptivo del hombre lobo Rafael Waithe. Landon Kirby est un personnage principal de Legacies. Hope is able to distract the shunka long enough for Landon to save Rafael, the two kill the shunka not long after, but Hope is nowhere to be seen. As plan B in case Josie wins the merge, Hope links Landon's life to Lizzie's. Throughout the years, he has gone through the foster care system. The next day, he accompanies Hope, Ric and Rafael back to the boarding school to talk things through about what happened the previous night.
Though spending the summer together as friends, they eventually go on their first date which ends awkwardly, as they went out for sushi, though Josie's allergic to seaweed. You know, and you can only hold out hope for so long and-and be hurt by so many people before its starts to seems impossible to trust someone new. When Ric brings in While he sits in the cell, he remembers a few minor memories of him being put in a closet when he was younger and is visited by Hope.